Verdigris Faux Finishing

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Depth on a two dimensional surface created by the multiple layers of translucent metallic glazes.

Verdigris Faux Finishing


With these three photos of the same section you can see this metallic effect changes considerable as the light changes. This is a highly reflective surface. Whenever metallic colors are layered in thin glazes their reflective qualities increase so the metallic areas of this finish change considerably as the lights shifts while the green hardly changes and takes on a mossy, dull sheen. In the first image we see the area without a bright light. The second image is the same area with a light pointing towards the top, lighter area. Finally in the third image you can see the dramatic changes this finish goes through as the light is increased.


Verdgris Copper



Be sure to tour this website, most of the photos open links to more and larger photos from that job. When you are ready to discuss the limitless possibilities we can create for you call 323-457-9092 or email at info@FauxFinishing.LA (emails are preferred due to busy work schedules and limited time)


All photos on this site are from previous work and are protected by copyright laws.

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