Custom Sand Faux Finishes

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Custom Sand Faux Finishes Sand Painted Finishes

This is a finish unique to our company. This is similar to the store bought paints that contain sand but this is created by hand with custom tinted foundation colors and added sand that comes in a wide range of colors. The uniquely colored sand which can be blended for each client is not mixed in with the foundation color thus covering it up. Instead it is on the surface creating a multicolored stippling effect. No glues are used so the surface is very durable, although very rough to the touch. The top four images are of the same sample board.

Custon Sand Faux Finishers Sand Paint Finishers

Below are some of the other colors that have been used with this painting effect.

Sand Faux Finshing Sand Faux Finishes Sand Paint Finishers

These are not store bought finishes. These are all custom tinted colors with added colored sand. This sand is available in many different colors and can be combined with additional colors and applied as sparsely or densely as wanted. This effect can be painted on any vertical surface. There is no glueing involved that would leave the surface sticky.

Colored Sand Faux Finishes Colored Sand Faux Finishers Faux Finishers with Colored Sand




This site is still under construction, until then tour the Sample Boards page, call 323-457-9092 or email info@FauxFinishing.LA with any questions.



All photos on this site are from previous work and are protected by copyright laws.

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